Thank you for your interest in making a gift to support the Rice Engineering Alumni! A gift of any amount can greatly impact the Rice Engineering experience for both students and alumni.
To learn more about how alumni donations to REA have made an impact in the lives of students and the School of Engineering, please visit the REA home page.
The Rice Engineering Alumni Fund
A gift to the Rice Engineering Alumni’s current use fund allows REA Board members to designate funds to areas that promote the REA’s mission to support, honor, and connect Rice engineers before and after graduation. Past examples include $50,000 to renovate the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduate teaching lab, sponsoring teams in the OEDK, sponsorship of OwlSpark, and sponsorship of the Students for the Exploration of Space’s OwlSat cube satellite.
The Rice Engineering Alumni Student Support Fund
A gift to the Rice Engineering Alumni Student Support Fund goes directly to the REA’s permanent endowment. Gifts made to an endowed fund are invested along with other gifts for this purpose, and a percent of the earnings are available each July to spend. The initial gift is never spent, and it continues to grow over time. Originally established in 1950 as the Engineering Alumni Scholarship, this fund provides financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate students in the George R. Brown School of Engineering through individuals and/or student groups, projects, and other learning opportunities that recognize and promote excellence in engineering. This fund is currently administered by the REA Board.
The Rice Engineering Alumni Summer Experience Fund
A gift to the Rice Engineering Alumni Summer Experience Fund supports the REA’s summer internship program. This program provides job placement assistance and financial stipends to students looking for their first engineering experience; the program also supports Rice’s OwlEdge Summer Experience Fund, which provides funds to engineering students working in research or professional roles that are unpaid or under-paid. These efforts are part of a broader Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative of the REA Board to promote the success and retention of diverse engineering students at Rice.
If you are interested in discussing how you can make a more significant impact on engineering at Rice through your current or long-term philanthropy, or to make a gift through appreciated securities, wire transfer, Donor Advised Fund (DAF), IRA Charitable Rollover, or through a deferred gift vehicle such as a bequest, please contact Katie Donovan at or 713-348-4612.
Thank you for your consideration and backing of the REA!