Gifts to the Graduate Student Association (GSA) Gift Fund (G83460) will enhance, through the GSA, student programming and events intended to improve graduate student life and build a stronger sense of community with current students, alumni, and the local Houston area.
Gifts to the Schroeter Valhalla Memorial Fund (G82313), named in memory of former manager and fierce supporter of Valhalla, John Schroeter, will support Valhalla's 50th Anniversary event in 2021, and will be used towards the betterment of graduate life at Rice.
Gifts to the Robert Lowry Patten Awards (E21157) recognize graduate students who may have not otherwise been honored for their service and achievements on behalf of graduate students. The award is named in honor of the highly esteemed GSA faculty advisor, Professor Robert L. Patten, who also served with distinction as the first Magister of Graduate House.
Gifts to the Rice Annual Fund – Graduate Student Support Fund (A10022) provide fellowships, competitive stipends and travel grants to regional and national conferences for the university’s brilliant graduate students.
Gifts to the Graduate Degree Alumni Programming Gift Fund (G82056) allow alumni to contribute to events and programs designed for graduate degree only alumni. The Graduate Alumni Network (GAN) is building a targeted program to engage graduate degree alums and build more affinity with current graduate students.
Rice also hosts many graduate cultural and affinity groups (, if you are interested in supporting specific graduate organizations please contact Sara Rice Shafer at (713) 348-5848 or